Match Report

Green Towers Spa
today's match is sponsored by Green Towers Spa

Match Report

Match Report
It is a thoroughly wet and miserable day here at Stadio Diego Armando Maradona where Napoli play host to Juventus. A crowd of 20,324 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
Both Napoli and Juventus are lined up in a 4-3-3 formation.

The first half starts with Juventus kicking off!
Ismael Ayaz knocks the ball to his team mate, Patrick Hauser. Patrick Hauser knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Marcello Meniri.
Hrafn Hjálmarsson brings the ball forward. Hrafn Hjálmarsson lofts in a cross ball towards Malcolm Kahn. Malcolm Kahn directs the ball goalwards with his head. Bernardo Ravanelli manages to gather it comfortably.
Nick Yakubu knocks the ball to his team mate, Mervin Joachim. Mervin Joachim shoots from long range but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
León Rosario makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Reinder De Goey. Reinder De Goey knocks the ball forward to Mervin Joachim. Mervin Joachim whips in a cross ball towards Cataldo Pergolizzi. Cataldo Pergolizzi heads the ball goalwards which easily beats the keeper. Goal!!
Ottavio Carnasciali brings the ball forward. Ottavio Carnasciali knocks in a cross ball towards Simon Prager. Simon Prager flicks the ball with his head but it is miles over!
Nick Yakubu catches Hrafn Hjálmarsson on the ankles. The referee reaches into his pocket ... it's a yellow card! Hrafn Hjálmarsson gets up, but that knock is affecting his game.
Armin Röhlig sweeps the ball long. Malcolm Kahn knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Armin Röhlig hoofs the ball up the pitch. Simon Prager knocks in a cross ball towards Malcolm Kahn. Malcolm Kahn is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal but it is miles over!
Marcello Meniri makes a simple pass to Schumann Guel. Schumann Guel makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Cataldo Pergolizzi. Cataldo Pergolizzi chips the ball to his team mate, Mervin Joachim. Mervin Joachim shows great control and tries a shot on goal but he balloons it over the crossbar!
Alfredo Baldi controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Schumann Guel. Schumann Guel controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Mervin Joachim. Mervin Joachim knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Franco Ghirardello.
Hrafn Hjálmarsson deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Simon Prager. Simon Prager shoots from 25 yards but it goes wide for a goal kick.
The referee whistles the end of the first half!

Napoli kick off and get the second half underway!
Greg Eustace hacks Mervin Joachim from behind! Greg Eustace is shown the yellow card! Mervin Joachim stretches but gets up unharmed.
Ismael Ayaz flicks the ball to his team mate, Patrick Hauser. Patrick Hauser knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Ottavio Carnasciali controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Malcolm Kahn. Malcolm Kahn plays a perfect one-two with Patrick Hauser and rushes in on goal... Malcolm Kahn rockets a shot on goal but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
Hrafn Hjálmarsson deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Simon Prager. Simon Prager goes all the way! Simon Prager rockets a shot on goal but it is tipped over by Bernardo Ravanelli.
Ismael Ayaz knocks the ball to his team mate, Malcolm Kahn. Malcolm Kahn plays a perfect one-two with Patrick Hauser and rushes in on goal... Malcolm Kahn shows great control and tries a shot on goal. Magnificent save by Bernardo Ravanelli!
Jo Solskjær sees a break and surges forward. Jo Solskjær chips the ball to his team mate, Mervin Joachim. Mervin Joachim plays a perfect one-two with Cataldo Pergolizzi and rushes in on goal... Mervin Joachim shows great control and tries a shot on goal. Mervin Joachim scores for Napoli!!
Schumann Guel knocks the ball to his team mate, Marino Salvetti. Marino Salvetti knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Stefan Allback who gathers it comfortably.
Schumann Guel hacks Ottavio Carnasciali from behind! Schumann Guel is warned by the referee! Ottavio Carnasciali grimaces as he struggles to run off the knock.
Marino Salvetti hacks Franco Ghirardello from behind! Marino Salvetti is given a warning by the referee! Franco Ghirardello runs off the knock.
The whistle indicates full-time!

The man of the match was awarded to Mervin Joachim of Napoli

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 2 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 2 vs 3
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 2 vs 4
Offsides: 1 vs 1
Fouls: 3 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 1
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 43.0232558139535 vs 56.9767441860465
Play Area
Home team third: 31.40%, Midfield: 41.86%, Away team third: 26.74%